Meet the team: Kim

Kim Durieux – Creative Change
In this series of “Meet the team” we will introduce you to all our team members and experts, one by one. This is done by asking a standard set of questions, including the Question for the Future! This time we will introduce you to Kim Durieux, an expert in Creative Change working with Minkowski!
Why do you work with Minkowski?
I believe there are many ways to make the world a better place – all in different sizes and shapes, and all with a different impact. One way to do so is helping the larger companies that have a legacy to deal with getting ready for a new, better future. One that is more durable than the world we live in now. I love being part of that movement together with Minkowski! And also very important to me: the Minkowski team is one you want to work with – smart, sharp and fun people.
Question for the future: are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things?
I’m mostly concerned about doing the right things. If it’s the right thing to do, with the right goal in mind, it doesn’t matter whether you make mistakes: you’ll be on the right track. A beautiful example is the question whether we want to focus on decreasing our CO2 emission or on regenerating our soil across the globe. I believe both are important but also that the latter deserves a higher priority. Once we choose to work on healthy soil, with all its benefits, it doesn’t matter if we learn that we planted the wrong combination of trees this year – you can make up for it next spring. You’re learning and you get better at regeneration every year! I’d recommend every single person to watch these two beautiful documentaries: ‘Kiss the Ground’ and ‘The biggest little farm’. At the moment, one of the right things to do involves working on futures projects with Minkowski, but who knows – perhaps one day I’ll be regenerating soil on my own farm.
How do you make history by changing the future?
My mission is to change our impact, one decision at a time. This could be impact on your business, on your mental state, your neighbour, on the Earth – we decide what impact we make. One of the many ways for me to do so is to partner with Minkowski and join in on creating a million Einsteins to get organizations moving towards better futures.
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