Meet the team: Cato

Meet the team: Cato

Cato Verhaart – Brand Builder

In this series of “Meet the team” we will introduce you to all our team members, one by one. This is done by asking a standard set of questions, including the Question for the Future! This time we will introduce you to our Brand Builder, Cato Verhaart!


Why do you work at Minkowski?

Minkowski was exactly the right fit at the right time. I was looking for a new challenge and there it was; a job opening at Minkowski! After having some conversations I knew that Minkowski was what I was looking for: an environment where people share more than just work, while challenging each other to be on top of their game. I felt a deep connection immediately to the personal and creative approach, which enables others to bring out their best selves. Maybe building better futures, starts with building Minkowski. 😉


Question for the future: What is the most important lesson you have learned so far in life?

That there is always something to learn if you look for it. I believe that everyone is unique, and there is always something that you can learn from one another. Although sometimes it is challenging, I’d like to think that I am open to that. Or at least, I’m aiming to be!


How do you make history by changing the future?

For me, it is in the details of life that fills my heart. Consequently, that is what I try to do for others as much as I can. I try to really listen to someone; what they have to say, how their day went, or what they are up to. Then, going the extra mile to remember and act on those little things, the details that make it personal, is what I love most.

For example: think of me as that person who puts everything in their agenda to (try to) remember the small and big stuff of others – an important presentation someone has been dreading, a weekend away with the family, or someone’s holiday – so I can always wish good luck, have fun, or ask how it was after. Just show actual interest. I believe that this helps me to connect to people, people to me, and hopefully people to people – if I can manage to pass it on. If that is how I can leave a mark in this world, you won’t hear me complaining.


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