Activating a futures ready strategy

Change is a constant: the world is always changing and transforming. Society is confronted with unforeseen circumstances that have a disruptive impact on every organization. And it seems that these shifts are speeding up. How to guide the organization and its people through uncharted territories and be successful and relevant for the times to come? 

This is the learning journey we are currently running for 300 top leaders of one of the largest insurance and asset management companies in the Netherlands. In groups of 30 participants we are guiding them to activate their futures ready strategy and develop their futures thinking capacities as well as their leadership capabilities to enable them to navigate through a rapidly changing world. The program started in early 2023 and runs until 2025.

Dutch insurance and asset management company

What’s in it for them

Better decision making on bold ideas that should be executed and which ones shouldn’t to accomplish their goal
in less time/meetings.

Higher satisfaction due to personal development aspects and the ability to build strong relations and expand network throughout the company.

Improved feeling of empowerment due to leaders who learn skills and get tools
to navigate uncertainty.

Greater ability for the organization to cope with (unexpected) changes and adapt accordingly to stay on course.

What makes this program unique?

Our SCOPE for Change approach was leading in the design of this program: focussing on both the business (Futures) and human side (People). In co-creation with our client, we designed a program consisting of 4 chapters as per our approach: Awaken, Assess, Accelerate, and Activate. All sessions are designed to be facilitated online. Halfway through the program for chapter 2: Assess, participants will come together for a 3-day in-person journey. By combining offline with online, you maximize the ability to network and bond with peers, while allowing for new forms of online learning and tracking program impact.

“This program really creates a mindset change and confronts us with the way that we say we do things, but that we don’t.”

Senior leader and one of the participants