Uncovering and redefining a purpose

This company was founded more than 90 years ago and is privately owned. It has been operating in the leisure industry since the beginning and has had various forms since its inception.

Under the pressure of a changing sentiment in society we helped this organization uncover and redefine its purpose for a digital first world and designed solutions together with them that blend the virtual with the physical. They are staying close to why they were founded in the first place but have found a new way to adapt to a changing world and still be relevant for society. They are gearing up for a centennial celebration in a few years time more successful than ever before.

Privately owned leisure company

What’s in it for them

New business model development for future ready concepts connecting digital, physical and sustainability in a proven value proposition.

Unlocking of individual talents in new fields of entertainment and digital transformation and changing habits and patterns of working.

Feeling of involvement for all employees and application of internal knowledge and expertise to core challenge going forward.

Redefined purpose ready for the future in line with brand and corporate values and in synch with shifting values in society.

What makes this program unique?

Our engagement with this client now enters its 5th year. Our approach helped them not only to develop a futures ready plan but maybe more importantly helped them to create alignment with all stakeholders to get to action. As the power of a leisure organization sits in operational excellence, success was achieved by changing behaviors and processes that were in line with the future ready plan. This case is a clear example that strategy doesn’t create change, people do. And a true testament that fundamental change doesn’t happen overnight but that it requires perseverance and commitment and a true belief in your vision for the future.

The core team only exists of three people that have gone through the 4 steps of our approach and are now being enabled to activate the entire organization of a few hundred to move in the same direction and together strive to a successful centennial celebration.

“Building a narrative arch across everything we do in our park unlocked our true future value.”

Marketing director